Credentialing, Licensing and Ordination
Christian greetings with the promise of our Lord!
It is a joy to welcome you to the growing team of the Mennonite Brethren Church. We trust that you will experience much joy as you serve the Lord in this important capacity.
“I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.” (John 15:15)
As you may know, the licensing, credentialing and/or ordination of Mennonite Brethren pastors, missionaries, etc., is subject to the examination and approval of the Provincial Faith and Life Team (PFLT).
Please note that the BC Conference can only credential leaders who are ministering in, or on behalf of, the Mennonite Brethren Conference.
Requests for Credentialing and/or ordination must come from an MB church where you are presently ministering, or that is calling you to serve in the church. Ministers who serve in another capacity (e.g. Bible College/Seminary teachers, missionaries) should attach a letter of endorsement from their home church.
Credentialing Process
- Required Reading - The Conference Office will supply the books. Complete your reading before beginning the credentialing document.
- Credentialing Questionnaire - Send your completed document to our office, after which we will advise you of an interview date with the Board of Pastoral Ministries.
- Three References - Select 3 persons to fill out the reference forms linked above. If applicable, also include a 4th spousal form linked below. Have them complete the forms and send them to this office as soon as possible.
- Church Support - Please have your senior pastor or moderator sign your credentialing document indicating that he/she has read supports the application.
- Board Schedules Interview - We will require a minimum of 4 weeks from the time we receive all of your materials (including references) and the time of the interview.
- Credentialing Interview - Please bring your spouse to the interview (spousal reference form linked above) to share briefly on his/her spiritual pilgrimage, commitment, and role in the ministry. As well your senior pastor should join the interview with you. Each interview is about 1 1/2 hours.
Credentialing/Licensing Policy
The Provincial Faith and Life Team (PFLT) has recently met to review the policies on credentialing and licensing for all BCMB Pastors and Leaders. This policy document supercedes all previous policy notifications.
The rationale for the following changes is twofold. First, the practices of the BCMB Conference need to be in compliance with the BC Marriage Act. Second, it reflects the PFLT’s efforts to assist BCMB churches in ensuring that their leaders have met the required steps as outlined by the BCMB Conference that enable them to pursue their leadership calling successfully.
This policy document addresses three areas: a mandated timeline for all pastors to complete the licensing/credentialing process, criteria concerning temporary licenses to perform weddings, and the retention of credentials for retired and inactive pastors.
Temporary Marriage Licenses
In order to comply with the BC Marriage Act, the BCMB Conference will only make application for a temporary marriage licenses for individuals who fit one of two primary categories with a proviso for “special situations.”
New leaders within BCMB
For individuals who are new to pastoral ministry within the BCMB family and who have not yet been credentialed by the PFLT, temporary licenses to conduct marriages in BC will only be granted within the first two years of pastoral service. Any requests beyond two years will be denied.
Out of Province Requests
For individuals who are not residents of BC, and who wish to perform a wedding in BC, the BCMB Conference will make application for a temporary license for individuals who meet the following criteria:
- They must be members in good standing of an MB church in Canada.
- They must currently be licensed/credentialed for ministry by the MB Conference in the province in which they reside.
Special Situations
Where a church does not have a licensed pastor, consideration may be given to provide a temporary license, although this will be a case by case basis and no unlicensed pastor will receive more then one temporary license.
Retired and Inactive Leaders
Retired and/or inactive BCMB pastors shall be granted permission to retain their credentials for up to five years following retirement or departure from their church ministry post, as long as they are a member in good standing of an MB church in BC. Following this time period, credentials will no longer be renewed.
Credentialing Documents
We require that all pastoral staff in BC Mennonite Brethren churches complete the credentialing process within two years of beginning their ministry in an MB Church.
The timing of the interview varies from one congregation to the next: some congregations prefer the credentialing process be completed as part of the hiring process itself; others encourage staff to initiate the process as soon as possible after hiring. In some instances, individuals seeking employment in a Mennonite Brethren church seek approval prior to candidating in a congregation.
Because of the length of these documents, it could take a few months to complete them, and book you in an interview.
If you are planning to follow through with this process, please let us know as soon as you begin your work so you can be put on the waiting list for interviews.
Contact the office if you have any questions.
1. Download the 3 credentialing forms (links at the bottom of this page). They are in Microsoft Word format so you may complete them on your computer and send them back via email to the executive assistant.
2. Let us know you have downloaded the forms and would like to be on the list for interview notification.
All documentation must be submitted to the Conference office in full one month before the proposed interview date in order to confirm the appointment. Please note that inclusion is on a first-come first-served basis. Once all documents have been received and processed, we will confirm the exact time and place of the interview with you.
3. Attend the interview on time. Please note that, if applicable, your spouse and senior pastor are required to attend the interview with you. Each interview is about 1 1/2 hours.
4. Once your interview is completed, based on the recommendation of the PFLT, you will be credentialed with the BC Conference of MB Churches, and licensed with the Government of BC. This license will give you the authority to marry within BC only, and you will be considered a member of the clergy.
If your congregation is interested in going one step further and would like to recommend you for ordination, the moderator will need to send a letter to the BC Conference of MB Churches (attention to Reg Toews, Executive Director) requesting your ordination. This request will be considered and your file will be reviewed. Further instructions will be given.